Hanging Diamond - Page 2


Referring to the Color Numbers shown at left, and using a scant 1/4" seam allowance, make one unit B as shown at left. (This unit uses the 5-1/2"  Color 5 rectangle) Press seams away from the center. Cut the apart at the 1-1/2" point to make two B strips...


Referring to the Color Numbers shown at left, and using a scant 1/4" seam allowance, make one unit C as shown at left. (This unit uses the 7-1/2"  Color 5 rectangle)  Press seams towards the center. Cut the apart at the 1-1/2" point to make two C strips...

Referring to the Color Numbers shown at left, and using a scant 1/4" seam allowance, make one unit D as shown at left. (This unit uses  4-1/2"  Color 5 rectangles) Press seams away from the center. Cut the apart at the 1-1/2" point to make two D strips...

Referring to the Color Numbers shown at left, and using a scant 1/4" seam allowance, make one unit E as shown at left. (This unit uses  4-1/2"  Color 5 rectangles) Press seams towards the center. Cut the apart at the 1-1/2" point to make two E strips...on to Page 3!
Feb 25 2007  Marcia Hohn

Traditional  Block


Page 1