This makes a 16" block!

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This is another of those "Method" situations, as opposed to a real "block". It's time to get out the scraps, and a pad of graph paper and colored pencils! You'll want to put some planning into the layout of this one. You can add 3-D Fins to some, all, or no fish...

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

 For each Fish, you'll need one 4-1/2" square. If you'll be wanting a 3-D fin for that fish, make that TWO 4-1/2" squares...

You'll also need just two quarter square triangles (made by cutting a 5-1/4" square in half on both diagonals. Save the other two triangles for use in another spot in the quilt. Shown here are just the two you do need!) in each Fish Body Color...

Each Fish will also need two quarter square triangles and four half square triangles (made by cutting two 4-7/8" squares in half once on the diagonal) in your chosen Fin Color...

To sew the Quarter Square units, sew together two pairs of quarter square triangles, using the standard 1/4" seam allowance, and pressing that seam to one side. Join the sewn together pairs to make the QST. Trim these back to measure 4-1/2" square if needed...

To sew the Half Square units, sew together two half square triangles, again using a scant 1/4" seam, and press the seam to one side. Trim these back to measure 4-1/2" square if needed...

For those Fish you want to have a 3-D fin, fold an extra Fish Body Color 4-1/2" square wrong sides together. Then fold the two upper fold-edge corners down and in to meet at the center. Press your folds!...

...on to Page 2!

Sept 19 2002 Marcia Hohn

Traditional  Block