This makes a 12" block!

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Click here for the regular piecing templates.

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

First, after adding 1/4" to all sides of each template provided, use the templates to cut out all your pieces...
Sew a Color 1 quarter square triangle to the right side of a corner square piece, right sides together, and using as always a 1/4" seam. Sew another triangle to the bottom side. Press seam allowance towards the darker fabric. Make two units like this...

Sew a Color 1 quarter square triangle to a Color 2 quarter square triangle. Press seam towards the darker fabric. Now sew a Color 2 to a Color 1, again pressing towards the darker fabric. Make two of each of these units...

Then, sew one of the quarter square triangle units to the left side of a corner square, and another to the adjacent lower edge of the square. Make two units like this...

Mark the four corners of the center square LIGHTLY, 1/4" in from the edges of the square. Now sew a Color 4 rectangle, right sides together to the left side of the center square, using a 1/4" seam. Sew this from the left hand 1/4" mark to a point 1/4" from the near edge of the center square. Finger press the seam allowance towards the outer strip... on to Page 2
May 29 2001 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block