Bars and Stars - Page 2


Now sew Color 4 half square triangles to the top and bottom of each bar set, again in a scant 1/4" seam. Press seams towards bars. Trim this unit to measure 3-1/2" x 12-1/2" if needed. You will have two units like this...



Next, using the Color 3 squares and half squares, sew four little star blocks as shown at left. Use those same scant seams! Trim these to measure 3-1/2" if needed...



Using the remaining Color 3 squares, the half squares, and the half square triangles, sew four half-star triangle units. Sew a Color 4 half square triangle to each of these, pressing seams towards half stars. Make four units like this. Trim them to measure 3-1/2" if needed...

Now make two star rows as shown at left, using the full star blocks, and the half stare blocks. These should also measure 3-1/2" x 12-1/2"...


Now piece the block, by joining the star rows and the bar rows! Good Job! :o)  ...Now on to Page 3!

Oct 1 2003 Marcia Hohn


Original  Block

Page 1