Tree of Temptation - Page 2

  Sew pairs of these units as shown at left, to make eleven four patch squares..

To make the first trunk part of the block, first sew a Color 3 half square triangle to the left side of a Color 3  2-1/2" square, using a 1/4" seam. Press seam towards square...

Then sew another Color 3 HST to the left side of another Color 3  2-1/2" square, and add another HST (in the direction shown in the diagram at left) to the right side of the square. This makes the second trunk part. Press seams towards outer triangles...

Now make the third trunk part by sewing the Color 1 small HST to a Color 3 HST, pressing seam towards the darker fabric.  Add another Color 3 HST to the right side of that unit, pressing seam towards the half square...


Join the trunk units by sewing the second trunk part to the first trunk part, along the bottom edge, using as always a 1/4
 seam. Press seam towards the top unit...

Add the third trunk unit to the bottom of the first two, pressing seam towards the bottom unit...

Sew a large Color 1 half square triangle to each side of the trunk unit, pressing seams towards the trunk...

...on to Page 3!

August 19 2001 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Traditional Block

pattern from