Providence Quilt - Page 5

Now sew the rows of the quilt together. 

Row One = one 5-1/2" Color 3 square, one pieced rectangle, one plain Color 3 rectangle, one pieced rectangle, one plain rectangle, one pieced rectangle, one 5-1/2" Color 3 square. 

Row Two =  One pieced rectangle, one Providence, one dark Quarter Square, Providence, Dark Quarter Square, Providence, pieced rectangle. 

Row Three =  one Color 3 rectangle, Dark Quarter Square , Providence, Light Quarter Square, Providence, Dark Quarter Square, Color 3 rectangle. 

Row Four = same as Row 2.

  Row Five = same as Row Three. 

Row Six = same as Row Two. 

Row Seven = same as Row One...

Next, sew together four pairs of Color 2 and Color 3  1-3/4" x Width of Fabric (at least 44") strips, right sides together along one long edge. Press towards the darker fabric. Mark and cut these into 1-3/4" segments. Sew twenty-four of these little units together end to end to make the top and bottom checked rows. Sew twenty-five of these together end to end to make the side checked rows...

...on to Page 6!

May 6 2002 Marcia Hohn

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Traditional Block/Original Quilt !

pattern from