This makes a 12" block!

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Click here for the handle template

Click here for the trapezoid template

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

Using the trapezoid template included, cut out one right facing trap, and one left facing trap. Using the handle template after adding 1/4" seam allowances around it, cut one handle. Also cut one Color 1  3-7/8" square. Cut this square in half once on the diagonal to make two triangles...

Cut one Color 2  3-1/2" square, and one half square triangle, cut from a 3-7/8" square...

Cut one Color 3  9-7/8" half square triangle, cut from a 9-7/8" square. Cut one Color 3  6-7/8" half square triangle, cut from a 6-7/8" square. Cut two 3-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles...

Center the handle piece on the 9-7/8" Color 3 half square triangle. Pin in place, and then appliqué in place using thread to match the handle...

Sew the Color 2 half square triangle to the top of the left facing Color 1 trapezoid. Press seam towards trap...on to Page 2!

Sept 7 2002 Marcia Hohn

Page 3

Traditional  Block