This makes a 12" block!

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** Preparing the Pieces ** 

First cut the Color 1 and Color 2 large squares on the diagonal. You will only need one of each for this block, so save the rest for another project! :o)  ...


Next cut the Color 2  3-7/8" x 15-1/2" strip into four 3-7/8" squares, and further cut each of these squares on the diagonal to make eight half square triangles. You will only need seven for this block...


Now cut the Color 2  3-7/8" x 15-1/2" strip into four 3-7/8" squares, and further cut each of THESE squares on the diagonal to make eight half square triangles. You will only need seven for this


** Let's Get to the Sewing **


Sew two groups of half square triangles that will look like the diagram at left...see below... on to Page 2!

Dec1999 Marcia Hohn

pattern from

Traditional Block