This makes a 10" block and comes to us from the early 1900's!

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4 Blocks x 6 Blocks makes a perfect Project Linus Quilt Sized Quilt!

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

Start by marking and cutting the Color 1  2-1/2" x 18" strip into four 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles...

Next mark and cut the Color 2  3" x 12" strip into sixteen 1-1/2" squares...

Now speed piece the half squares by stacking the Color 1 and Color 2  4 7/8" x 9 3/4" strips, right sides together, marking the 4 7/8" square line, marking the diagonals in the directions shown at left, and then sewing a scant 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the 4 7/8" square line.  Cut apart ON the marked diagonals, and cut apart on the square line as well. This will give you four half squares. Press seams to darker side, and trim these back to measure 4-1/2" if needed...

To make the blocks rectangle the small Color 2 squares lined up with the edges of a Color 1 rectangle.    (one at a time!) On the back of the small square, draw in the diagonal, and sew ON this drawn line. Cut off the excess seam allowance, and press the remainder out towards the triangle. Do this with all four corners of the rectangle. Make four units like this...

Now piece the block, using the units we just made, plus the 2-1/2" Color 2 center square. Make three rows as shown at left, using the standard scant 1/4" seam,  pressing seams in alternating directions by row...then sew the rows together...and that's one Goshen Star under your belt! Good Job!! :o)  ...on to Page 2!

Oct 16 2002 Marcia Hohn

Traditional  Block