Perfect one to
whip up for the lawyer in your life ...I am showing it here in just two colors, but this
would make a wonderful scrappy quilt too! |

This makes a
16" block! ...and is also known as "Lawyer's Puzzle" Please
abide by the Terms and
Conditions of use! :o) |
** Preparing
the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
Start by cutting the
Color 2 2-1/2" x 10" strip into four 2-1/2" squares... |
Now we'll speed piece the half
squares, by stacking the Colors 1 + 2 2-7/8" x 34-1/2" strips right sides
together. On the back of the top strip, lightly mark the 2 7/8" square lines
and then the diagonals as shown at left. Sew a scant 1/4" above
and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the 2 7/8" square lines... |
Cut apart ON the marked diagonals,
and on the square lines. This will give you twenty-four half squares. Press seam
allowances towards the darker fabrics. Trim to measure 2-1/2" if
needed. Repeat this to make the larger half squares, using
the 6 7/8" x 13 3/4" strips of Colors 1+2, trimming those if
needed to 6-1/2"... |
Next sew together three small
half squares and one small Color 2 square, in the direction shown at left. Make four of
those. Then sew together three half squares, and make four of those... |
Sew each of the three half square
units to the right side of a large half square. Add the three half squares plus square
units to the tops... |
Piece the block by joining these
four units. First make rows, and then join the rows to make the block...
to Page 2! |
Feb2000 Marcia Hohn |
Block |
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |