This makes a 6" block! 

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

Cut the Color 1 and Color 3  2-3/8" x 9-1/2" strips into four 2-3/8" squares of each. Stack them and cut them in half once on the diagonal to make eight half square triangles of each. (You need seven per block) Cut the Color 1  and Color 3  3-5/8" squares each in half once on the diagonal to make two half square triangles from each. (You only need ONE of each per block, so save the extras for another block or project!)...

Now cut the Color 2  3-1/2" x 7-5/8" strip into two 1-3/4" x 7-5/8" rectangles...

Line up the 45 degree angle line on an acrylic ruler with the right bottom of a Color 2 rectangle and cut off the end at that angle. Flip the ruler and do the same thing to cut the angle on the other end. Repeat this with the other rectangle of Color 2...

Now sew together a Color 1 and a Color 3 half square triangle, using the standard 1/4" seam. Press seam to dark side. Make four of these...

Next use the remaining half square triangles to make one of each of the units shown at far left, adding triangles as needed to the half squares we just made. Sew these new units together...on to Page 2!

August 4 2006 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block