This makes a 12" block!

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **


First mark and cut the Colors 1, 2 and 3  3-1/2" x 14" strips into four 3-1/2" squares of each...


Then speed piece the half squares by stacking the Color 1 and Color 2  3-7/8" x 7-3/4" strips right sides together. On the back of the top strip, lightly mark the 3-7/8" square lines and the diagonals. Sew 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the 3-7/8" square line. Cut apart ON the marked diagonals, and on the square line. Press seams towards the darker fabrics. This will give you four half squares. These should measure 3-1/2"...


Now piece the block, referring to the diagram at left for placement. Sew rows, and then join these to make the block, using all 1/4" seams throughout, and alternating pressing directions as you go...on to Page 2!

March 2000 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block