Irish Chain - Page 2

Cut the Color 3   13" square into four 6-1/2" squares...

Sew a Color 3  6-1/2" square to one of the four corner nine patch units. See diagram at left for direction of the nine patch! Press seam towards the center square. Add another corner nine patch. Press seam towards center. Make two rows like this!

For the center row, sew a center nine patch to a Color 3 square, pressing seam towards the outside. Add another Color 3 square. Press towards the outside...


Then join the rows as shown at left. Alternate pressing directions when adding rows to avoid bulky seams...on to Page 3!



What's with those SCANT 1/4" seams???

Each time we press over a seam allowance, a teeny bit of fabric is used up in the fold-over...using a SCANT 1/4" seam (a couple threads less than a full 1/4") helps to compensate for the block width lost in your pressing! :o)


Dec 1999 Marcia Hohn


Page  1

Traditional Block