Corner Nine Patch Signature - Page 2

Then sew a Color 1  2" x 10" strip right sides together to a Color 2  2" x 10" strip along one long edge. Add another Color 2 strip below that. Press seam allowances towards the center. Mark and cut at the 5" point...

Now Piece the Block! Row1= a Nine Patch/a three stripe/a Nine Patch...Row 2 = a two stripe/The signature rectangle/a two stripe...Row 3= the same as Row 1 ! Alternate pressing directions by unit and by row!

The quilt, is a simple block-to-block construction, with a thin binding around it.

Simple...and fun to make!

Happy Quilting!!

Marcia :o)

...on to Page 3 for supplies needed!

Here's one made by Vicki!  Kelly's!

Santa Clarita Valley Quilt Guild's!  Melissa K's!


Page 1

Original Block

original pattern from