This makes an 8" block !

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

Start by cutting the Color 1  4-1/2" x 9" strip into two 4-1/2" squares...

Next mark and cut the Color 2  2-1/2" x 5" strip into two 2-1/2" squares...

 Now mark and cut the Color 3  2-1/2" x 10" strip into four 2-1/2" squares...

Then mark and cut the Color 4  2-1/2" x 5" strip into two 2-1/2" squares...

Sew together one Color 2, two Color 3 and one Color 4  2-1/2" squares as shown at left to make two four patch units. These should measure 4-1/2"...

Now piece the block by joining the four patch units to the two Color 1  4-1/2" squares! All done!

...on to Page 2!



 June 26 2004 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block